woooow! ^^ the moon last night was very interesting to see. i did a very unprofessional sketch and color of it, but it sooo does not come close to what i saw. the moon was bright at the start of the phaze and seemed to get brighter as more and more of it vanished. still, i could see the ring that outlined the moon. the line marking where the eclipse occured was very sharp and the contrast between dark and light was very strong. every-so-often i'd get whimsical and see faces in the moon. once i saw a jolly man laughing, but that was when the moon was half eclipsed. later i saw a very angry face...that was when the moon turned red and the full eclipse took place.
the moon, to me, look small, as if all the light was sucked out of it and all that was left was one small red marble. the marble was a bright red mixed with shadows of a darker red and a cresent ring of light at the edges. what really threw me was the apparent size of the moon. i'd never seen it so small before. i didn't realize how much bigger the moonlight made the moon. seeing it that way made me morbid and without thought i said out loud to my sister and cousins "that moon is a harbinger of a bloody war"