Okay, now that I have your attention ^_^ Listen! Some years ago we of the Northern Marianas Islands (Saipan in very particular) spent a load of cash in an attempt to plant some mangroves in American Memorial Park. The idea was that mangroves would serve as a natural filter and homeland to many small aquatic based critters. Its a wonderful idea...too bad they planted the wrong plant. The planting was, to be blunt, not a success...and for good reasons. Right now, I'm looking into those reasons and researching on which mangrove is the right kind to plant. From what I've manage to find out there are three (3) types of mangroves...and only one of them actually grows out of the water. The other two types grow more upland, but they still require very damp soil to florish at all. They are colorfully called Red Mangrove (rhizophora mangle), Black Mangrove (avicennia germinans) and White Mangrove (laguncularia racemosa). The pictures above are red mangroves. Hopefully I (and anyone who's willing to help me) will be able to find and reinstate these plants. It was found out in a research report (can't for the life of me remember where) that prop-rooted mangrove variety once florished here on Saipan. So with that hope burning in our hearts, we must perservere ^^ NEVER SURRENDER!!!
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